Water Brick - Our Camping & Emergency Water Storage Solution

In discussing an emergency water storage solution two main goals were set: 1) We need to have enough water to sustain us for at least 30 days. 2) The water storage should be portable.

Water to our home is provided by well water. The well pump is powered by electricity. If we don't have electricity, we don't have water.

We chose having 30 days of water on-hand as our goal for several reasons: It's a financially attainable goal and it is an appropriate amount for conditions we are most likely to experience in our area. Specifically, thunderstorms, wind storms, and sometimes ice accumulation are the most common causes for our electrical outages.

Having portable water was decided on so that we may take the water with us when we go camping. Also, if our home is damaged by a storm so badly that we need to evacuate then we have a water supply that we can take with us.

We chose the Water Bricks for our emergency water storage solution because they are durable and portable.

In the video below we give you a look at the Water Brick and we share our experiences with it. If you want to check them out, links to the Water Brick on Amazon are below the video.



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Link to Water Brick on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2kI5uSS

Link to Spigot for Water Brick on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2kJ7ypz

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